County of Monmouth Seal


Rumson-Sea Bright Bridge S-32 Project

on Rumson Road (CR520) over Shrewsbury River

Borough of Rumson and Borough of Sea Bright, New Jersey

Rumson-Sea Bright Bridge S-32 Project

on Rumson Road (CR520) over Shrewsbury River

Environmental Resources

The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) requires examination of potential impacts to the social and natural environment when considering proposed transportation projects involving federal funds or approval action.  Supporting the Act, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and NJDOT adopted the policy of managing the NEPA project development and decision-making process as an “umbrella,” under which all applicable environmental laws, executive orders, and regulations are considered and addressed prior to the final project decision and document approval.  This umbrella includes laws relating to historic preservation, endangered species, wetlands, parks, and others. Conclusion of the NEPA process results in a decision that addresses multiple concerns and requirements.  The FHWA NEPA process allows transportation officials to make project decisions that balance engineering and transportation needs with social, economic, and natural environmental factors.  During the process, a wide range of partners including the public, businesses, interest groups, and agencies at all levels of government, provide input into the project and environmental decisions.

The NJDOT Bureau of Environmental Program Resources oversees compliance with the principles or essential elements of NEPA compliance throughout the project delivery process, including:

  • Assessment of the social, economic, and environmental impacts of a proposed action or project
  • Analysis of a range of reasonable alternatives to the proposed project, based on the applicants defined purpose and need for the project
  • Consideration of appropriate impact mitigation: avoidance, minimization and compensation
  • Inter-agency participation: coordination and consultation
  • Public involvement including opportunities to participate and comment
  • Documentation and disclosure
Concept DevelopmentPurpose & Need, Environmental Screening Report and Alternatives AnalysisProject Team, Public, Stakeholders and Permitting Agencies
Preliminary EngineeringTechnical Environmental Studies (as needed), Categorical ExclusionProject Team, Public, Stakeholders, Permitting Agencies
Final DesignPermits, Environmental Reevaluation, Environmental Plan Sheets and Environmental MitigationProject Team, Public, Stakeholders, Permitting Agencies
ConstructionEnvironmental Mitigation, Construction MonitoringProject Team, Public, Stakeholders, Permitting Agencies, Contractor

Environmental Documents:

Local Project Delivery Process

Purpose & Need Statement

Data Collection & Environmental Screening Report

Selection of Preliminary Preferred Alternative

Concept Development Report

NEPA Classification

Create Design Communications Report

Initial Public Outreach & Involvement

Approved Design Exception Report

Cost Estimates (Final Design, ROW & Construction)

Approved Environmental Document

Approved Project Plan

Preliminary Engineering Report

Update Design Communications Report

Continued Public Outreach & Involvement

Construction Contract Documents & PS&E Package

Environmental Reevaluations

Environmental Permits

Acquisition of ROW

Update Design Communications Report

Continued Public Outreach & Involvement

Implement and Complete Construction

Continue Public Outreach


Update and Finalize Design Communications Report

Close-out Documentation

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